One of the first things we ask of new clients is to define their goals - running and health. We ask them to write down their short term and long term goals. The reason for this is to reinforce positive thinking and create a focus for their training. This motivational quote is one of our favorites because it reminds us that we are in control of acheiving what we want in running, health and life. Write down what you want, believe it and then go after it!
Monday Motivation
We love this quote because of how it applies to running. You don't have to make every run the best or the fastest. If all you have in you is a slow, easy run - take it! That's what your body needs at that moment.
Special thanks to Jessica's mom, Leila & her boat crew, for helping us capture such a picturesque moment on the Willamette River!
Not setting limitations
Set big, grand goals. Visualize the life you want and then start making it happen. Set 6 month goals, 1 year, 5 year and 10 year goals. Your BHAG (Big, Hairy, Audacious Goal) isn't going to happen overnight - it might take 10 years - however, it's living the life you've always wanted better than living a life you aren't passionate about? Today's motivational quote reminds us that we are our own enemy in terms of success. Stop saying "can't", "shouldn't" or "impossible". Switch your vocabulary and you'll switch your way of thinking. You can achieve what you want in life.