
Good Morning Chia Ginger Smoothie - #TastyTuesday

by Meghan Reynolds

I've become a bit bored with the smoothies I've been making. I checked out what I had in my cabinets and searched around for some new ideas and voila, (thanks Pinterest!) I found loads of recipes. I found a bunch that included chia seeds and thought that sounded interesting -adding a bit of crunch to a smoothie. I gathered what I had in my fridge and cabinets (another reason I like smoothies- endless combinations, just need a bit of inspiration sometimes) and decided on a strawberry, ginger, chia seed concoction. I like ginger because t's a natural digestive aid and chia seeds are packed protein and Omega-3s - a perfect morning boost, in my opininon :)

Here's what I created - the Good Morning Chia Ginger Smoothie


1 cup almond milk

1 banana

1 cup berries (I used strawberries & raspberries; use both, one or add blueberries!)

1 tbsp Chia seeds

1 inch fresh ginger

2 shakes cinnamon (who really measures that anyways!?)

A handful of ice

Blend up, pour and enjoy!

Chia Seeds

The little chia seed has grown beyond the silly afro growing terra cotta figuries into a power packed superfood. Why is chia considered a superfood? Here are some of the health benefits:

And there's even more benefits - they are believed to slow digestion so your energy boost kicks in later in your run or workout (think Born to Run and the Tarahumara Indians of Mexico). This is great news for those of us who train or run for long distances or hours. They are tasteless so you can add them to just about anything! And, because they gel in liquids, you can use them as a replacement for egg or oil in baking. Add them to your smoothies, salads, cereals or make one of our favorite recipes below:

Just don't eat your chia pet! You can pick up chia from Wholefoods or your local health food store.